Monday, August 29, 2011

"Summer makes me drowsy, Autumn makes me sing..."

Summer in terms of freedom and vacations is over tomorrow, and we're (trying to be) ready again for another two semesters of a school-oriented household.

We finished several books together, including a few by the Yorgason brothers, Hatchet, the Book of Mormon (again), and began Le petit Nicolas. That being said, we've acquired far more books than we've read these last few months. We've also worked on various hobbies and projects, walked just under 200 miles, and tried too many delightful recipes, so all in all it's been a successful, albeit busy, summer.

In just the last two weeks, we ate at Tucano's with some family friends...

Lisa and the Hoffman ladies
...helped two families move in (three if you count Thomas' brother)...

The Grigsby family moved back to Provo after an out-of-state summer internship one traffic ticket (unwarranted (no pun intended) and to be contested)...

...spent an evening with some friends...

The Grigsbys had us over for games and dessert!! Ellie was happy about it!
Shari and David taught us to play Progressive Rummy with Rook cards.
...went to a burger joint named Sammy's Burgers and Fries and another shop called Rocky Mountain Drive-In (for a good shake deal)...

...took some more mugshots of Thomas (among the 700+ photos we've taken this month)...

Thomas has 2 film shoots this week!
...went to the Provo temple for our normal outing, as well as volunteering to help with laundry there one evening...

...went on a few walks...

...did a Day of Service in the community with our ward...

...enjoyed dinner with (and the company of) some of Thomas' friends at La Dulce Vita...

back: Thomas, Stuart, Lucas, Tony, Julie, Kyle, Dan
front: Lisa, Julie, Andy, Heidi
July 2002: Tony, Dan, Thomas, Stuart, Daniel. Can you match some of those faces to the more recent picture?
...not to mention the day-to-day rigours of life, labour, and love.

P.S. We don't usually eat out this, much...

P.P.S. "...Winter's pretty lousy" in Utah, but I really don't mind Spring.

1 comment:

  1. well Thomas-that beard is looking pretty good on you now that I'm used to it :p Life is busy-glad you're filling it with so many good things!!!
