Thursday, September 23, 2010

YADB: Yet Another Drab Post

(so sorry for the wait - Thomas wrote this post 4 days ago and wanted me to add pictures, which I haven't had time to do until now! so it's all my fault :o) Enjoy! -Lisa)

Since Lisa's been too busy to play lately, you're stuck with another post by her best friend. I'll try to post some photos as well, as the last entry was a little lacking.

On Sunday evening we were invited to a party with several of Lisa's roommates and their respective spouses. We had marvelous food and good laughs.

Dara, our hostess! Of course, Tyson was there too.

Joyce. Another roommate, Beth, was present as well, but we didn't get a photo of her?

Megan (and the blue thing on the right is her hubby, Evan)
On Monday evening, we were treated by Del Taco to dinner. That's right: free food, whatever we wanted. On further inspection of the receipt, all became clear. Notice who our host was...

"Host: Jesus"
Lastly, a few more statistics. Our site has been booming despite the internet outages and busy schedules and such. Read on for a few milestones:
  • Visits: 3457
  • Cities: 302
  • Countries: 40
Feel free to help us fill the gaps on this map:


  1. can we count as Fiji ; ) Andrea hoffman should visit from Hawaii :) wow free dinner, neat

    like the new background-glad you're all having fun!

  2. Not from should send our site to someone over there, though...and get Andrea to visit :D
